Showers of Blessing

Showers of Blessing


If you have been diagnosed with a life-threatening or a debilitating illness. If you have persistent financial difficulties or depressing emotional issues. If you have any problem that has made your life unbearable and confusing. And if you believe in God. Say this prayer for your holistic healing (physical, mental, and spiritual). Or say this prayer to prepare you to go to heaven when your time comes.

When praying ensure that you are away from any distractions (Matthew 6:6).

Do not just read this prayer, talk to God, pour out your heart to Him; He is a Loving Merciful God who listens.


This prayer has three parts:


In this prayer we pray to the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit with humility and desperation, being aware of our nothingness, brokenness, and need.

Humility is necessary. And so is desperation. Whenever Jesus encountered humble, desperate people, he immediately healed them. He did it willingly with deep compassion. Going through the list of Jesus’ healing miracles will bring out this fact. For example: Jesus Heals a man with leprosy (Matthew 8:1-4, Mark 1:40-45, Luke 5:12-16); Jesus heals a woman with an issue of blood (Matthew 9:20-22, Mark 5:25-34, Luke 8:42-48); Jesus raises Jairus’ daughter back to life (Matthew 9:18,23-26, Mark 5: 21-24,35-42, Luke 8:40-42,49-56); and many more. When we humble ourselves before God, we will recognize our sinful state and God’s holiness. Humility helps us to pray with the right motives (James 4:3), which are the kind of prayers that get answered. “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6).

Humility may not come easy to us who have lived our life with arrogance and strife in some form or the other. Moreover, despite our best efforts, our base human nature may send out sparks of pride, arrogance, superiority, and impatience. So, let us take recourse prayer. You may use these prayers on this website:

Prayer for the Gift of Humility
Litany of Humility


Interludes have been inserted in appropriate places to pause and reflect on what you have just prayed. This may be the moment when you pour out your heart to God and be silent and wait for God to speak into your heart.

Praise the Father with Hallelujah! [Or sing a Hallelujah song like “Sing Hallelujah to the Lord” (YouTube link)]. We praise Him for his power and glory.

To the Son we affirm our trust in Him in the words that He gave St Faustina to inscribe on the Divine Mercy image: “Jesus I trust in You” (Diary 47)

To the Holy Spirit, we ask Him to fill us with His fire of Divine Love. [Or sing the hymn “Holy Spirit Come with Your Fire” (YouTube link)

Keep the interludes for 30 seconds or more. Just a suggestion.

The wording of this prayer has references to the Holy Scripture: hovering the mouse over the footnote number will show the reference in full and clicking over will take you to the footnote section. The return arrow will take you back to the main prayer.


In this prayer we place all our needs to God for ourselves or for others who are suffering. Pray like a child. When you reach the petition section, on the main page, you can click on the link to read some prayer examples. You can say more than one petition at a time.


This is prayer in action that we can do throughout the day. Various suggestions have been given on the main page, on how to fill your day with living prayer.

Say the “Showers of Blessing” for at least one hundred days with humble desperation, surrendering your suffering at the foot of the cross, and blindly hoping for God’s merciful presence in your life and with your loved ones. Don’t let your problems, your medical reports or bank book overtake your trust in God (Trust in God Only).

If you at times face difficulties in praying, you should not get discouraged. If you experience things like spiritual dryness, heaviness of mind and heart, sense of futility and nagging temptations you must persevere with humility, patience, and courage. (Read Faustina’s Diary #147)