Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary
[℣] Leader [℟] Response [Ⱥ] All togetherSIGN OF THE CROSS
† In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit † Amen.
- [℣] Lord have mercy
- [℟] Christ have mercy
- [℣] Lord have mercy
- [℟] Christ hear us. Christ graciously hear us.
- [℣] God, the Father of heaven,
- [℟] have mercy on us.
- [℣] God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
- [℟] have mercy on us.
- [℣] God the Holy Spirit,
- [℟] have mercy on us.
- [℣] Holy Trinity, one God,
- [℟] have mercy on us.
- [℣] Holy Mary, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Holy Mother of God, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Holy Virgin of virgins, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Mother of Christ, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Mother of the Church, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Mother of divine grace, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Mother most pure, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Mother most chaste, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Mother inviolate, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Mother undefiled, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Mother most amiable, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Mother most admirable, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Mother of good counsel, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Mother of our Creator, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Mother of our Savior, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Mother of mercy, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Virgin most prudent, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Virgin most venerable, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Virgin most renowned, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Virgin most powerful, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Virgin most merciful, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Virgin most faithful, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Mirror of justice, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Seat of wisdom, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Cause of our joy, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Spiritual vessel, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Vessel of honor, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Singular vessel of devotion, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Mystical rose, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Tower of David, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Tower of ivory, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] House of gold, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Ark of the covenant, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Gate of heaven, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Morning star, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Health of the sick, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Refuge of sinners, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Comfort of the afflicted, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Help of Christians, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Queen of Angels, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Queen of Patriarchs, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Queen of Prophets, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Queen of Apostles, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Queen of Martyrs, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Queen of Confessors, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Queen of Virgins, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Queen of all Saints, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Queen conceived without original sin, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Queen assumed into heaven, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Queen of the most holy Rosary, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Queen of families, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Queen of peace, [℟] pray for us.
- [℣] Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world
- [℟] Spare us, O Lord.
- [℣] Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world
- [℟] Graciously hear us, O Lord.
- [℣] Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world
- [℟] Have mercy on us.
[Ⱥ] Remember O Most Gracious Virgin Mary, | that never was it known | that anyone who fled to your protection, | implored your help | or sought your intercession, | was left unaided. | Inspired by this confidence I fly to you, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother. | To you do I come, | before you I stand, | sinful and sorrowful. | O Mother of the Word Incarnate, | despise not my petitions | but, in your clemency, | hear and answer me. | Amen.
[Ⱥ] t Michael Archangel, | defend us in the hour of conflict, | be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. | May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, | and do you, O prince of the heavenly host, | by the power of God, | cast Satan down to hell | and with him all the wicked spirits who prowl through the world for the ruin of souls. | Amen.
[℣] May the divine assistance remain always with us, [℟] and may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
† In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit † Amen.